Posted by sac on August 4, 2004, at 19:59:21
Hello, I would like to know if you have any experience with Lithium Orotate for depression/Bipolar II. I have been on Lamictal and Depakote over the last 3 years and have discontinued because I can't stand the side effects I get... Depakote makes me more depressed and Lamictal tends to give me agitation/anxiety although it does stabilize my moods. I suffer mostly from chronic depression with periods of hypomania. Mostly, I just want relief from my ongoing mood swings that prevent me from enjoying my life and children. I tried prescription Lithium at 300mgs evening and felt strange on it so I stopped. I am starting to do my own research into alternative therapies and began taking Lithium Orotate (Serenity brand) 1 tablet 3 x day. I have to say, it is helping my daily mood swings and irritability. I feel level headed and calmer. Is this possible? What is the consensus on Li Orotate? Can it really be effective for mild Bipolars? Thanks for any feedback. -Stacey