Posted by LostBoyinNC45 on February 25, 2014, at 0:15:10
I have over the years, read many many posts by laypersons, by "armchair psychopharmacologists" whom I would describe as obsessed with drugs. And much of the "advice" Ive read is very poor. I have privately wondered if anybody has ever died or been hospitalized as a result of acting upon psychopharmacology "advice" they got off of this forum? Or gotten into legal trouble offline as a result of "ideas" they originally got from perceived "experts" on psychobabble?
This is not a dig, its an honest concern. I realize many on this forum are TRD and therefore, desperate individuals. As a concrete example, I know discussion of opiate narcotics for mood and anxiety disorders is very much tolerated here. Although there is not a single opiod narcotic that is FDA approved for mood or anxiety disorders. And thats just one example of "iffy" psychopharmacology "advice" Ive read here over the years.
Even if such event(s) have occurred, I strongly doubt it would be admitted here.