Posted by rjlockhart37 on February 13, 2013, at 18:35:58
i've been havin to read through my old posts....listen, i know for a fact i decived people in being alarmed when it was nothing but mind stimulation of fear...nothing was happening in the exterior world....if someone looks me up....employers...goverment...they can read those posts and get the impression the rj false SOS signal....and someone who needs to be in the nut house...god its awful!! i have 1000s of post over the years...some of it was good...and others of it was pure bull...from 2013 there will not be anymore sillyness...getting honest about my life online ... will be better...i've had it with stuff from the past.
ill write apology letters to all the people lied online. All the stuff is accurate with my daily life....what i think, believe...i just want all that junk gone from the past....
please HSUING!! HSUING i'm scared... come RESCUE ME!! SOS!! lol that won't happen any longer....its discusting....horrifying....and damaging to online idenity...
publish this post online, lurkers can see browsers...and know im getting my stuff straight in 2013.
My birthday is in april maybe you could give me a delete button for my birthday??
not a scholar but understand distress
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