Posted by Bobby on December 26, 2008, at 23:12:49
In reply to Re: Please be civil » Dena, posted by Sigismund on December 26, 2008, at 15:55:04
My father has been a Christian minister for over 40 years---and I can't comprehend how Christians can be antisemitic. I was always taught the opposite. For example, Genesis chapter 12 verse 3 says--concerning God's covenant with the Jewish people, "And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in the shall all families of the earth be blessed." Again in Isaiah chapter 60 verse 12 it says, "for the nation and kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish; yea, those nations shall be utterly wasted." According to the Bible, God has a unique covenant with the Jews. For a more in depth read on that covenant--I think that Romans chapters 9-11 covers the basics. Now--before anyone jumps to agree or disagree---I'm just quoting the Bible. some believe--some don't. I'm merely stating one view out of many. I have read some of Lou's posts on the Faith board and part of what he states can be found in the Bible. I can't judge people for what they beleive has been revealed to them by God. People throughout history have done or said some very controversial things--such as Abraham preparing to sacrifice his only son or Isaiah preaching naked--pretty radical by any standards. So I certainly can't judge what Lou believes.As far as his belief concerning antisemitism here--I honestly don't know --as I'm not good at discerning the thoughts of others. my wife says I'm clueless on picking up stuff like that. I would hope, with all of my heart and soul, that that is not the case--but the Jews are sensitive to antisemitism on a level that , I believe, cannot be duplicated by Gentiles. It is the duty of every man, woman, and child to be acutely aware of the atrocities commited against them --and to be ever vigilant in stopping unspeakable crimes --that start out as only thoughts. I am not a holier than thou radical conservative and I count my friends across a very broad area--as long as you're not causing harm to others--live your life as you darn well please --I don't have to answer for your deeds and thus have no right to live your life for you---I'm too busy with mine. This whole subject has totally and completely exhausted me. However, I'm sure we've all heard of people being assaulted and killed in front of bystanders who did nothing but watch--not wanting to get involved. This will be my last post concerning this area of discussion--as I am spent.This message is directed towards no person here--and is not intended to be malicious in any way. I'll leave with this(Ephesians 6:12), "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world,against spiritual wickedness in high places."