Posted by Racer on July 14, 2005, at 23:40:33
In reply to Lou's response to an aspect of this thread-shd?, posted by Lou Pilder on July 14, 2005, at 23:30:48
> Friends,
> It is writtem here,[ tell me what I should know...].
> I am requesting that if anyone here thinks that the poster of the statement in question here is saying that {I} wrote here that any others "should", could you let me know by babblemail, or post a URL here if there is one where I write that one {should}??
> I do not think that I wrote that anyone "should" do anything. I remember that I wrote a {request} which I feel is different from telling anyone that they {should}.
> LouYou didn't use the word, Lou.
I give up. You've posted what you call an apology below, but I still haven't seen you say that you are sorry, that you have any regret about anything you've written or any pain you've caused others, I still haven't read anything that implies that you even took in the idea that other people have experienced great pain because they read your words. Everything that I've seen you write sounds to me as though you're justifying what you've written.
Fine. I feel as though I've wasted my time trying to communicate with you, because communication is a two way street, and this has felt more like a one way street. The only result of these exchanges is frustration, anger, and pain. I will learn from this, and I will no longer make this sort of effort.
I will, in short, take Dr Bob's advice not to read in the first place those posts that I believe may upset me.