Posted by Simcha on February 28, 2003, at 0:45:15
1. Never disagree with Dr. Bob or thou shalt be banished from the realm.
2. If thou shouldest ever disagree with Dr. Bob, referest thou to thine rule number one.
3. Even if thou thinkest that thou mightest disagree with Dr. Bob, turn thine eyes unto rule number one.
4. Even if thou mightest have the precognitive inkling that thou mightest dare to think that thou mightest dare to disagree with Dr. Bob, avert thine eyes from this rule and returnest thou to rule number one.
5. Even if thou dost have the electric impulse to have the precognitive inkling that thou mightest even dare to disagree with Dr. Bob, flee from this rule and glue thine eyes to rule number one.
6. Even if thou mayest have even the pre-conscious firing of the electric impulse to have the precognitive twitching that thou mightest care to disagree with Dr. Bob, run screaming from this rule and find thy refuge in rule number one.
7. If thou darest have the unconscious yet pre-conscious lighting of an electric impulse to ignite a precognitive inkling that thou mightest even dare to disagree with Dr. Bob, pray for mercy and clingest thou to rule number one.
8. If even before thy existential awakening in the unconscious and definitely pre-conscious twinkling of an electric impulse to fire a precognitive notion that thou mightest dare to disagree with Dr. Bob, beg for clemency and wipe thy brow with rule number one.
9. Even if from the pre-existential mist before thine existential awakening in the unconcious of the pre-conscious inkling of the electric impulse that mightest ignite a precognitive speculation that thou mightest dare to disagree with Dr. Bob, fret not and stand firm in rule number one.
10. Even if from the primordial abyss that issues forth the pre-existential mist before thine existential awakening in the unconscious of the pre-conscious twinkling of the electronic zapping that thou mightest even dare to disagree with Dr. Bob, hurry now and get thee back to rule number one.
The almighty BABBLE has spoken...
I do declare.