Posted by Dinah on July 19, 2002, at 12:11:37
In reply to Lou's respose to this thread.The list-par 2, posted by Lou Pilder on July 19, 2002, at 11:54:47
I do think the people who are complaining have a valid point. I never see any difficulty figuring out your civility rules, because I think we have similar views on what civility entails. But it is a subjective sort of thing in a way. (As much as my usual black and white thinking shouts - It is not subjective!, I'm trying to overcome that.)
So how about a section similar to the tips section. Something that deals with the sort of frustrations that often come up in a group situation of this sort, along with positive, acceptable, and not-acceptable ways of answering. That would give people a better idea of what standards they are expected to adhere to.
Just a thought.