Posted by Jay2112 on February 14, 2023, at 21:34:18
In reply to Re: Meds for severe anxiety » Lamdage22, posted by tensor on February 14, 2023, at 12:51:23
> > What are you afraid of specifically?
> This is a difficult one, my previous doc who knew me much better than my current doc often asked me that. But he phrased it like "what wolves are chasing you" when I told him about my severe anxiety.
> There no specific thing, I lack internal "security", I don't feel safe outside my home, like I can go shopping and do errands thanks to clonazepam nuking my social phobia, but traveling with a ferry to nearby countries will stress me and produce anxiety.
> When I was a kid, my family and I sometimes went to Sweden (I live in Finland) and I had anxiety every time even though my (lovely, caring) parents were next to me. I had vertigo, like the kind you get when panicking and often headache.
> I can't explain it and it feels like no one understands me. It feels like the anxiety is so deeply rooted in me, that typical meds like SSRIs and benzos can't reach it.
> /tensorVery similar to mine! I got dx'ed GAD and Panic Attacks, on top of Bipolar 2 and Aspergers. I am going to try back on the SRI Viibryd. It didn't make my anxiety worse, and I felt comfortable in my skin. My GAD also has agoraphobic qualities, and the more I bury myself inside, the more I don't want to go out. But, testosterone has helped that a bit. You also might want to get your testosterone levels checked, and a panel of all of your vitamins/minerals.
But, I know that you are being chased and can't enjoy life. Have you tried stimulants? ADD/ADHD often has a depressive AND anxiety component to it. Amphetamine actually REDUCED my anxiety. But, you need the benzo's to calm down a bit. Also, Tegretol (carbamazapine) seems to work well when you can't get your anxiety to stop. I like it better than Trileptil.(SP?)
Just some thoughts...hope they help. Any questions..please ask away! :)
Humans punish themselves endlessly
for not being what they believe they should be.
-Don Miguel Ruiz-