Posted by Jay2112 on March 13, 2022, at 13:55:58
My testosterone use seems to just be one disappointment after another. First, there were it's immediate/current effects, which have continued into 2 months of use. I seemed to get really, really bad anxiety, bordering on suspiciousness, extreme irritability, and severe agoraphobia. I talked to my pdoc, who confirmed that there have been co-relations between the above, testosterone use, and bipolar disorder, and other mental illness' including schizophrenia. (Especially for those with a pre-existing condition.) When I was about 46, I tried test again (after a low measurement), and I recall some of the above mental issues, especially making me feel like a very 'cold' person, who had a lot of hate.
Factor in, recent findings with test use and correlations to heart attacks and strokes, and prostate cancer.(Especially in older guys, like me.)
My internal instinct just say's "don't go there". At one time, it made me more confident, and I was almost as, umm, horny as my 17 year old self. But, there are some scientifically valid alternatives to try, so I might check them out.
Humans punish themselves endlessly
for not being what they believe they should be.
-Don Miguel Ruiz-