Posted by rjlockhart37 on June 27, 2021, at 16:02:30
i've been on nuerontin now for about 6 months, it's anticonvultant same thing with lamotragine, i take them both at moderate dose. I feel calm, more able to sit calmly. But if there withdrawn im afraid siezures could happen. I don't have siezures, never did but lamictal and nuerontin were given as mood stablizers. I don't have bipolar disorder, i have majoor depressive, generralized anxiety, but they were used for depression with fluoxetine. Anticonvultants seem to stablize sites, and keep mood at bay. They seem to have a calming antidepressant effect when combined. Does anyone know about this kinda combination with botoh of them? there both siezure (but not phenytoin, or phenobarbital which are more potent siezure meds)
"There comes a time in your life where you have to choose to turn the page, write another book, or simply close it"
-Shannon L Alder