Posted by jay2112 on May 24, 2021, at 20:29:12
I was in the hospital for nearly 3 weeks recently, for a collapsed lung, and mass respiratory infections. I nearly didn't make it. BUT...
I was on a combo of oxygen and forced air every night. I'd wake up in the morning, and my oxygen levels were really good. I started to feel really good, even on my regular meds. I slep't calmly all night, according to the nurses. I lost the deep, deep sadness I have been carrying around for years.
My anxiety went way down.So, now, my pdoc referred me to a sleep specialist. If/When they find out I have sleep apnea (waking up 100's of time at night, because snoring causes you to stop breathing, and you wake up), I'll get the CPAP machine under my disability. I am a pretty big guy, so that contributes.
My brother and pdoc both have the machines, and say the difference is amazing!! So, I am hoping, praying to get into the sleep lab asap! I'll report further!
Humans punish themselves endlessly
for not being what they believe they should be.
-Don Miguel Ruiz-