Posted by bleauberry on June 28, 2018, at 15:09:28
Here's a list of helpful herbs. They are chosen based on actual real life results and books, not studies. Some have been used to treat depression and some not. The purpose of these supplements is to help mono-amines, help balance hormones, help clear out toxins, help reduce inflammation, help lower populations of pathogenic bacteria, virus and fungi, and a lot more.
Support the righteous and dispel the evil. That's what these things do. Don't look for a 6 week trial. These things are cheap enough and benign enough that you can go longer. Herbs repair damage that happened over a long period of time, so repair doesn't happen as fast as you want. Look for 3 months and just add the supplements to your regular diet.
Pick and choose. All would be best. There are more than what I have listed. These are just sort of a core protocol. Consider it a menu to choose from.
1.Life Extension Two-Per-Day vitamin/mineral. Professional. It has all the good factors such as p5p, methyl groups, picolinates, and pre-metabolized forms ready to absorb. Many people at babble focus on B12 or B6 o r folate or whatever. You need all of them. With their good cofactors. At high doses. They are all in this one pill.
2. Fish oil. If you want to spend more for a better product you can get one that is high in EPA, which is better for psychiatry. But any fish oil is a good base. We often make a mistake of expecting miracles from fish oil. It doesn't work that way. It's part of an orchestra.
3.In addition to the vitamin, you want 5000IU of vitamin D3 once a day, and you want 500mg-1000mg vitamin C three times a day.
4.Source Naturals makes a product called Plantioxidant Vitamin C and also a multi version. It's great because it has dozens of herbs in it, many of which are used to treat psychiatry. Very easy and convenient. The doses are low. Again, it's the orchestra thing, not the solo player thing.
5.N-Acetyl-Cysteine, or NAC for short. One pill a day helps your body produce glutathione which clears out toxins.
6.Cordyceps. An adaptogen which is sort of like a wide spectrum agonist and antagonist at the same time - so it helps to balance whatever might be out of balance. Also for psychiatry.
7.Rhodiola rosea. A good stand alone antidepressant or anti anxiety all by itself, but a good turbocharge of meds too. Go slow in case of risk of serotonin syndrome, which is doubtful.
8.Andrographis. A recent national doctor seminar in Las Vegas reached a consensus that the most helpful add-on herb for treating lyme and its symptoms, as noted by actual clinicians, is andrographis. It does a ton of stuff good for the body.
9. Enzymatic therapy makes a product called Phyto-biotic. It is 3 different sources of a plant chemical called berberine. From diabetes to psychiatry to anti-microbial and anti-inflammation, this does a lot.The above 'orchestra' can take you a lot further toward success in your journey than just the things you are currently taking.
in my opinion