Posted by bleauberry on May 11, 2018, at 11:03:16
My docs say 9/10. Harvard says 3/10. Nobody really knows. The truth is probably somewhere in the middle - how about 6/10?
In any case, for every 10 names here at babble, according to Harvard, at least 3 of them are receiving the wrong treatment. My doctor would say 9 of them are receiving the wrong treatment. The truth is maybe 6 out of 10 of us have Lyme. And I can tell you very emphatically, as most of you know, that a primary reason for the existence of 'treatment resistance' is the presence of lyme. When the lyme is controlled and managed, our treatment resistance becomes responsive for the first's the article....
Because the symptoms are so variable and they mimic the symptoms of other chronic conditions, most doctors do not even think of testing for Lyme disease much less providing any kind of treatment. In the rare instance testing is done, however, standard tests miss over 90% of chronic Lyme disease cases.
More than 100 medical disorders can masquerade as psychological conditions, according to Harvard psychiatrist Barbara Schildkrout. Studies have suggested that medical conditions may cause mental-health issues in as many as 25% of psychiatric patients and contribute to them in more than 75%.
Untangling cause and effect can challenge even seasoned clinicians, and the potential for missed diagnoses is growing these days. Most mental-health counselors rely on primary-care doctors to spot medical issues, but those physicians are increasingly time-pressed and may not know their patients well. Neither do the psychiatrists who mainly write prescriptions and see patients only briefly.
The Connection Between Lyme and Mental Illness
Lyme disease has become the undiagnosed and untreated epidemic of the 21st century. While it is often attributed to tick bites, recent studies have also shown that it may also be transmitted by mosquitoes. Lyme disease is a bacterial infection caused by the spirochete (Borrelia burgdorferi) which can mimic virtually any disease often leading to misdiagnosis such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, fibromyalgia and depression.Lyme disease is a serious condition affecting multiple areas of the body.
As with many chronic conditions, symptoms can be complex and severe chronic Lyme disease can lead to debilitating symptoms, other than fatigue, such as depression, bipolar disorder, panic attacks, weakness, or twitching. It can also be associated with neurological disorders such as multiple sclerosis, dementia, such as Alzheimers disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS or Lou Gehrigs disease).
In a published study in the Journal of Psychiatry, one third of psychiatric patients showed signs of an infection with the Lyme spirochete, Borrelia burgdorferi. It has been found that that even severe neuropsychiatric behavioral symptoms in this population can often be reversed or ameliorated when a multi-system treatment program targeting Lyme disease is used. Patients with late-stage Lyme disease may present with a variety of neurological and psychiatric problems, ranging from mild to severe. These can include memory impairment, dyslexia, seizures, anxiety, panic attacks and psychosis. Violent behavior, range attacks, mood swings, sleep disorders, obsessive compulsive behavior and ADD/ADHD can also be present.
Such symptoms may be dormant, only surfacing years later. The infection can often also result in hormonal deficiencies, abnormal activation of coagulation and immune dysfunction, which can all contribute to the cause of symptoms.
For the rest of the article, here is the link...