Posted by Phillipa on June 25, 2016, at 9:26:39
In reply to Lou's reply-1/4 of those on the earth, posted by Lou Pilder on June 25, 2016, at 8:21:29
Problem with antibiotics is that they have become resistant to illnesses and disease from over use. Bacteria are now mutated and not cured with the antibiotics. Hence we now have MRSA, and the flesh eating bacteria. I myself do not believe in anticholoesterol medications unless one has heart disease. How do you feel about surgery to insert stents in cholesterol clogged arteries that have caused a heart attack. Or the clot busting streptokinase and the others to dissolve clots if given with in three hours of a stroke to help to prevent brain damage? So much can go wrong with ones body like cancer and what would you do if you got this do chemo, radiation? Phillipa