Posted by PilledOut on June 17, 2016, at 13:45:10
I've been on Nardil (generic) for about a month. I tend to be very sensitive to meds, so I'm still on a low dose (22.5 mg/day). I'm titrating up gradually over time. So far, Nardil hasn't been helping, but I haven't really gotten side effects, either. I might start to see something once the dose reaches a higher level.
I have social anxiety, generalized anxiety, and depression. I suffer from a lot of emotional pain and agony. Benzos help, but I can't take it it more than a couple of times a week or I'll build tolerance. I'd love to be able to take benzos everyday because they're so helpful, but I can't. I'm wondering if medical marijuana (MMJ) can help like benzos, and if I can take MMJ everyday.
I live in an area that's very marijuana-friendly, but it still takes some research, time, and effort to obtain medical marijuana. I've done plenty of online research about it already. Also, MMJ is very expensive because it's not covered by insurance.
Anyway, does medical marijuana interact with MAOIs such as Nardil? It's hard to find info about this. Are there any types/strains of MMJ you'd recommend for me? How should I take the MMJ - through edibles like brownies, capsules, tinctures, vaporizers, or some other method?