Posted by Lou Pilder on February 8, 2016, at 16:32:56
In reply to Can AD's Cause Long-Term Damage that is Reversible, posted by babbler20 on February 8, 2016, at 15:15:36
> Hi, i've been on SSRI's for 23 years. 7 years ago, I developed severe chronic insomnia for the first time ever and my anxiety and depression became much worse. Is it possible that all these years of being on meds fried my receptors and that a break from medication will help me recover from this insomnia? Has anyone had experience with this? I didn't make any changes 7 years ago so the insomnia wasnt and isn't a side effect it is just a problem that first appeared back then
You wrote,[...severe chronic insomnia...anxiety and depression became much worse...Is it possible...that a break from (drugs)will help me recover?...].
You have be been on a Road that has brought you to the sorrows of despair in the mire and dirt tossed about like being in a raging sea. But there is another Road that is like a Sea of Glass, calm, where there is no insomnia or depression or death. And it has been revealed to me that you can be delivered out of the raging sea and be led out with gladness to have a new Road to follow with new garments and a new mind and a new heart a nd a new spirit.
It is not too late to turn around. For it has been revealed to me that if you continue on the road with drugs, you could go further to the end where there is a Great Gulf that you could be standing over that you could fall into a Lake of Fire. And it has been revealed to me that I was there and you looked at me, and I could see that you were way beyond repair. But now you could have a chance with another, when I saw you standing there. Today you could turn around and forsake what you know is causing you these sorrows. For you are correct in that these drugs can cause a worsening of depression and anxiety and induce insomnia.
I have come here to lead people out of the darkness induced into them by the psychiatrist's drugs. This deliverance will break the shackles of addiction and insomnia and depression so that you will be led out with joy and be led forth with peace; the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing; and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.
poster:Lou Pilder