Posted by porkpiehat on July 6, 2015, at 19:29:14
My pdoc is just shrugging her shoulders on this although a little research and expertise wouldn't hurt.
We are supplementing my 5mgs Celexa with 5mg Brintellix for cognitive effects to get me through school. Felt great for four days but then started getting very confused in a slow fog kind of way. I stopped taking cough syrup today and the slow fog gave way to aggitated and confused.
Given the low doses of both, could I be having a serotonergic reaction? Does anyone know if they might be interacting in some other way to cause this? I see it also has NE transport inhib...possible cause for agitation?
It all but disappeared this morning when I took my morning Lamictal. Weird!
I'd really rather not give up my cognitive goodies if at all avoidable, and Brintellix alone was a terrible AD for me. Buspar makes also makes me extremely irritable after a week or so.
Thanks for any input!