Posted by tiopenster on June 12, 2015, at 21:36:56
In reply to Re: Medications that don't touch the 5HT1 receptor?, posted by phidippus on June 12, 2015, at 19:21:41
I'm not cycling now. I haven't in 5 years or so. I cycled on lexapro & cymbalta at the very beginning of treatment before I added mood stabilizers. I would feel great, then too great (manic), then really bad anxiety, then normal, then depressed (not in any particular order) I would do this hourly or daily or over several weeks. The more the drug isolated serotonin (i.e. lexapro) the worse it was. Lexapro made me feel possessed and suicidal several types. It really was a devil drug for me. The other ADs, after I had mood stabilizers would work for a couple days and then stop and do the same thing with each dosage increase. I assume that is my serotonin receptors down regulating to compensate. I was on an AD (including Remeron) for 6 or so years. Now the only anti-depressant I'm on now is Insidon (Opipramol)