Posted by Lou Pilder on April 25, 2015, at 13:27:49
In reply to Lou's response to 10derheart-forevrusless, posted by Lou Pilder on April 25, 2015, at 12:29:29
> > > Uhh...all that had nothing to do with MY OPINION that the posts you see as anti-semitic I do NOT see as anti-semitic, Lou.
> > >
> > > You have ignored that for years.
> > > You are incapable of allowing for that as you have appointed yourself the definitive and ultimate authority on interpretation of anti-semitism.
> > >
> > > That is why it is forever useless to try to discuss particular posts with you. Your opinion = fact and all others' opinions = wrong. Where is the possibility of dialog there? NONEXISTENT.
> > >
> > > Now, when you respond here with the inevitable flood of proof and argument and all sorts of other massively non-understandable writings....please
> > >
> > >
> > > I can contact attorneys, too.
> >
> > Friends,
> > It is written here,[...interpretation of anti-Semitism...].
> > Here is a link that list how anti-Semitism is determined in a community.
> > Lou
> >
> > I do not think that any interpretation of what is plainly visible is needed, for it is what it is.
> > As long as there is denial of what is generally accepted to constitute anti-Semitism in a community, it will take longer for me to purge out the old hatred seen in the anti-Semitic statements here standing to be seen as supportive, and worse, because they can be seen that way, in Mr. Hsiungs thinking it will be good for this community as a whole to be seen that way. That is how anti-Semitism is created and developed by leaders of a state, country, city, community, school, university, workplace, ect.
> > Lou
> Friends,
> It is written here,[...forever useless to try to discuss particular posts with you...].
> Is this really true? You see, the *particular posts* are not listed here which then can cause one to speculate as to what those posts are that 10derheart is claiming that it is forever useless to try to discuss particular posts. And the issue involved revolve around particular posts that could arouse anti-Semitic feeling or are posts that contain language that could lead a Jew to feel insulted or put down or accused that I am objecting to Mr. Hsiung and his deputies of record here for them allowing them to be seen as supportive, and even worse, that by those statements standing it will be good in Mr. Hsiung's thinking to be good for this community as a whole for them to be seen as supportive, for being supportive takes precedence according to Mr. Hsiung and his deputies that do his wishes.
> This brings up how the posts that I want to discuss here with the administration is kept by them form being discussed. The tactic used is to discriminate against me and deny equal protection of the rules here. Both are considered to be abuses of power by those that understand the Golden Rule according to Judaism. And the TOS here by Mr. Hsiung state that he advocates using the Golden Rule here. Mr. Hsiung also claims that he uses fairness and I consider that anyone on the administrative team with him also could use fairness in what they do. But fairness involves equal protection of the rules as per what the word means as accepted generally. And to be unfair could cause a subset of readers to think that this site is an anti-Semitic site if it is unfair to Jews, or does not allow a Jew to have equal protection of the rules here, or allows defamation against Judaism itself to be seen as civil and supportive. And in the study of bullying on the internet, this site IMHHHO could fester the wounds of the broken hearted and forlorn that come her in captivity of depression and mind-altering addictive drugs to not fine hope, but find ridicule and debasement and defamation to be seen as civil and supportive all along with a moderator as the owner and his deputies of record saying that they are doing what in Mr. Hsiung's thinking will be good for this community as a whole by allowing it by not applying their own rules equally in particular to antisemitism but not limited to those types of posts that defame Jews and me as a Jew here that is objecting to the allowing of hate to be seen as civil here. By them allowing the puke of hate to be seen as supportive, those that post anti-Semitic statements allowed to stand can return to their vomit and posts more hatred toward the Jews and me as a Jew here with impunity.
> The claim here that it is {forever useless} to discuss these posts with me turns my stomach, for the administration has a notification system to do that, but Mr. Hsiung has not responded to years of notifications from me as seen as my reminders to him in the admin board. The deputies could act on their own and discuss those statements with me if they wanted to according to the TOS here under what the deputies can do in the FAQ.
> The stage that we are in now psychologists call the stage of violent protest to keep what I am trying to show here to be kept from being uncovered so that readers could know. This involves, deception, evasion, discrimination, and the allowing of defamation against me so that there is the potential for readers to discard what I say by decreasing the respect, regard and confidence in which I am held and induce hostile and disagreeable opinions and feelings against me here. So far, that is happening with a few exceptions where some posters have posted that they see what Mr. Hsiing and his deputies of record are doing in particular but not limited to allowing me to be used as a scapegoat and allowing the defamation toward me to stand.
> If anyone wants to discuss any of the posts that I am objecting to here let us use the following post. In this post, there is the statement,[...made to suffer a horrible death by them...]. When you read that post, take in mind the post:
> [ admin, 428781 ]
> Lou
> This post is allowed to be seen as civil and supportive and in MR. Hsiung's thinking will be good for this community as a whole to be seen that way. The statement in question could cause degradation of the Jews and create and develop a collective psychopathy here by the nature that Mr. Hsiung asks readers to trust him in that he is leaving the ancient accusation against the Jews that historically resulted in millions of Jewish children being murdered and having atrocities committed against them and used even today to persecute Jews and putting the Badge of Shame upon Jews as those that are guilty of deicide.
> There are jurisdictions where their law requires a deputy to delete or disable or sanction content in a timely manner if failing to do so could injure one reading that it stands. In a mental health forum, I would think that it is even more appropriate to do so because in this case, these statements that defame Jews could have the potential to contribute to the suicide of, let's say, a Jewish child reading here and sees the hatred toward the Jews being allowed to be seen here as civil and supportive, and worse, Mr. Hsiung and his deputies of record are going to leave it to be seen that way because it will be good on Mr. Hsiung's thinking to be good for this community as a whole. This could create and develop anti-Semitic hate here as some readers could think that Mr. Hsiung and his deputies of record are validating and ratifying hatred toward the Jews. which could persuade the uninformed. By the refusal of Mr. Hsiung and his deputies of record to have dialog with me via the notification system provided here by them, readers could be persuaded to think that hatred towards the Jews is supportive. And it is so easy to persuade the uninformed. It's so easy.
> Never again.
The active defamation against me being allowed to go on without Mr. Hsiung's or his deputies of record to post to be civil where the post is originally posted allows hatred toward me to continue until there is a great awaking that readers how that they now know what can be plainly visible to me, for I know and have training as to how a community can be persuaded to defame Jews and create and develop what is known as a {hostile environment} toward me as a Jew here and to all Jews in the form of anti-Judaism being allowed to be seen as conducive to the civic harmony and welfare of this community. Here is a post were a member actually stands up right on the board. The scapegoating could decrease the confidence in which I am held and cause injury to me and in this case, potentially to all Jews as they could see that a Jew is being allowed to be used as a scapegoat because Mr. Hsiung's tagline to be civil is not linked to where the scapegoating is originally posted. That allows the poster to do it again, and again, and again until the tagline to be civil is posted. She says what can be seen as plainly visible to her as me being used as a scapegoat, which scapegoating could decrease the respect toward me to keep others to be persuaded that it will be good for this community as a whole in Mr. Hsiung's thinking for it to be seen as supportive which is a pillar of hate that could support anti-Semitism to be fostered here.
poster:Lou Pilder