Posted by rjlockhart37 on August 17, 2014, at 23:07:49
my previous history with abuse is well stated here....but it's been used for years, and has helped many people with both low energy, weight therapy, ADHD, and some cases used for low libido syndrome....but it's usefulness is apprarnnt because it increases thought process in better term mainly with not being able to be stimulated by learning, and doing tedios case, when i was in class i had no stimulation at all to do, or learn what was being teached, i didnt care, and if i tried to force myself, it really was difficult to maintain focus and motivation, the main thing is amphetamine causes stimulation in thoughts to do things, and learn, and have more awareness.....and yes if it's abused it will cause euphoria and make you peppy and thinking you can handle's just when it wears off it can have a "wash out" effect, and in some cases using the treatment of taking 20mg in morning 20mg in afternoon and then 20mg at late afternoon, which will provide extended effects until sleep, but it can cause insomnnia, and ... this what i think, back a while back i think it was Benzedrine that was used, and of course dexedrine, same thing, just benzedrine gives more a kick because of the levo isomer, but they used stimulant downer therapy, amphetamine in morning and thought out the day, then barbiturate at night. Which i have to say there's nothing wrong with it, some of the propaganda of anti-uppers or downers, it does work, but maybe a better option for amphetamine insomnia is nueroleptics, directly decrase the amount of dopamine....triggering sleep, slowing down thoughts of motivation, and indepth thought, because if i go to bed thinking to hard about something.....i can't go to sleep it's like a tv that is trying to turn off, turns off the channels, but the static is still on....that's how stimulant insomnia is like, trying to shut off but still static and after wear stimulation is still going on.....
but what i have to say, even thought i did abuse it but there are a TON of people out there, who take it over again, if it's phased to last, thought the day....then it's less likely to be abused, yet some drug abusers will take more and more of it, idiot spelled all over their brain too....that's why adderall has gotten bad reps, from buzz-fly idiots who want to be stimulated all the time, it's the same thing as coffee, some can't wake up without coffee, and their is caffiene withdrawl, it's just like amphetamine yet it causes less mental stimulation because it's lack of dopamine target.....
so, what ever propaganda you here from all these people.....the main thing why amphetamine is used and is still useful for is it's ability to cause wakefulness and enhanced motor ability, and for the time it lasts, temporary mood lift, usally motivation moods.....
even right now as i write and have to go to school with no amphtamine stimulants, only nuvigil, it still should be known of it's cognitive enhancement effects, motivation, motor skills, some aspects of mood lift making someone want to work and get things done....the dopamine effect....
substance abuse idiots that like to take it all the time, my suggestion to do is to have it spread out thought the day....until around ... 8pm? after the work day is over with, and use something like seroquel, or some of the older block the dopamine and slow down active thoughts....lorazepam could be useful too but thats like the stimulant downer period of the 1950's till the 70's, it does work....just got a bad rep for having withdrawl and drug dependence on barbituates/benzos with amphetamine.....i think dopamine blockers are good for shutting down active thinking....
just in these term, coffee is consumed everyday by millions, lots drink coffee to wake up, and if they don't have coffee....tired, slow, sluggish, can't wake up, amphetamine is similar because it does the thing caffeine does yet it targets dopamine.....
keep it in use, it is effective just have to watch out for the buzz freaks who like to be buzzed all the time, just like coffee crazies like to drink so much coffee they do circles......same situation only in a pill form....but in the smoke form if the methamphetamine use in the streets, that form is extreme, it causes instant intense euphoria, ice...that's the street form of methamphetamine, less abusable ones with less euphoria, similar to vyvanse is good option, low energy, stimulate thoughts in those with's a useful medication, even thought speed is it's code name, it's a good substance for conitive disorders
thanks....just writing my thoughts....
logging out
rnot a scholar but understand distress.....
"unheard pain, is the told through good company"