Posted by uncouth on June 21, 2014, at 20:53:54
Pretty sure my chronic insomnia is actually advanced sleep phase syndrome. Trying to not take any sleep meds these days but have been sleeping <4 hours every night (continuous, get a few more here and there but feel VERY unrested) for 5 weeks. End up feeling like I want to go to bed around 3-4pm, if I struggle through I get a cortisol boost to keep me up through the evening, then I crash around 10-12pm, but get up, no matter when I go to bed, like clockwork at 2-3 am and am wide awake and can't get back to bed.
I know this has to do with LIGHT/DARK becuase it has been happening each year as the seasons change around april/may. I can't handle another summer of this. I got blackout curtains, blueblocker sunglasses, but i'm not even sure when or how I should ensure darkness. I know for delayed sleep phase syndrome you want to ensure darkness early, but for advanced, I don't know what to do.
Any ideas? I've heard of intense light/dark therapy over a few days to "reset" the clock, but haven't tried it or know how to do it or where I can go to get help.