Posted by AlexCanada on June 19, 2014, at 2:10:21
I have melancholic depression along with hypothyroid. Basically very low emotional capacity, lot of apathy, very poor interest and level of enjoyment, low energy, constant tiredness etc. Extreme amounts of brain fog and slow mindedness. Often rely on stimulants to bring some life into me. I been on over 20+ meds including Parnate, Paxil, Modafinil, Ritalin, SSRIs, SNRIS, TCAs, etc. Paxil was one of the best along with Parnate until they pooped out. Other srris I felt very dumb. Ritalin/Dexedrine were amazing during the first weeks but later on tolerance and down regulation.
I am currently on Cymbalta 30mg and it makes me feel duller if anything, I have less Fibromyalgia pains from it though. Some minor mood benefit but no benefit to cognition.
I have tried Tylenol 1 with codeine before as my doctor recommended. Some partial results were obvious but it's pretty mild. More pleasurable existence it would create. Tramadol I have been prescribed as well and it has some remarkable effects after 3 hours or so at certain times especially for bringing more creativity to mind and nostalgic feelings, some reemergence of interest in old hobbies but it's Very sedating for me and it does make me feel a bit weird.
What are less sedating painkiller options or options in general?
Gabapentin helps for pleasure but creates much tolerance.
If anyone has any ideas that do not relate to pain killers please let me know. I am investigating all options!!! I want to feel more emotion especially more empathy. But interest in general, sense of reward etc I am hoping to discover.