Posted by rjlockhart37 on March 17, 2014, at 11:35:59
i've been thinking ... i know that the current cocktail im on is something else ... and my case is wierd....but some people told me that prozac won't help the adhd....and that's correct, it doenst give the psychomotor stimulation, or the motivation to really get intrested in see....and it's just, i think about it ... and it drives me crazy but the only thing i have right now is serotonin meds.....prozac....i am on no dopamine meds, i have been on wellbutrin and intuiv....for adhd, yet the wellbutrin at the time didnt made me anxious, but maybe the chemical balance is diffrent in my brain now, so it may work.....but
to write a quick review of serotonin in my adhd case, the only thing it benefits, is the mood, it does make me somewhwat in a mood to do work, and not really be irrtible and down in a's major role is in the mood....and stableness, feeling like everything is gonna be alright feeling....but that's only with me...alot other people have diffrent experiences....
but ... a while back i was on dexedrine 60mg with 40mg prozac and they did work together....but after my mother and the doctor ripped me off it, it was a horrid time, they where so ignorant and arrogant, and refused to accept the truth that i had adhd and it caused my whole functioning to plummet, i mean , idiots.... im not saying i'm mad, it litterly stopped all of my functioning, stayed in the bed, couldnt even get out of the pit....
so .... serotonin does play a small role in adhd does calm, and make the mood better....but not the motivation stimulation from dopamine....
MDNA doesnt stimulate dopamine, it releases major amounts of serotonin in the synapse.....making everything feel bliss...wonderful, warm....high, all the pleasant feeling of serotonin is increased significantly....i did mdma one time a while back and it was pleasant....but the crash is was a euphoric bliss of warmness and connection to things, rather than with methamphetamine's supercharged confidence to get things done...and hyperfocus....
anyways.....still im looking foward to moving out of this mind dulling cocktail....i really want to see another doctor to get all this taken care of....i've read people having large amounts of meds to stablize....and i am on basically s h i t medication
but ... i have to say serotonin does have a effect for focus, but it's mainly with feeling in the mood to do work....not the charged motivation feeling....
not a scholar but understand distress.....
"unheard pain, is the told through good company"