Posted by Lou PIlder on August 14, 2013, at 21:15:18
In reply to Lou's response-if there is any advice » alchemy, posted by Lou PIlder on August 14, 2013, at 20:49:21
> > I never thought that I would still be writing the same things in my journal. I might even be worse because I have been fired from my last 3 jobs. And of course less hopeful as I am nearing the exhaustion of options. Pdocs and counselors say I should try to work on accepting and making the best of it. Sometimes I try, but I can't do another decade.
> > And why do most meds make my depression worse?
> > I appreciate the support and advice that I have received here. I am so worn out from pushing myself to do things, feeling like this, and losing hope. The longer it goes on, the earlier it starts, and rapid cycling are on the more treatment resistant side.
> > Thanks for letting me vent, I don't know if there is any advice that can be given.
> Al,
> You wrote,[..and why do most meds make my depression worse...losing hope...I don't know if there is any advice that can be given...].
> When you read the package insert of the drugs you could see that they could cause depression. There is a reason for this and in simple terms I could explain this here. You see, these drugs have chemical constituants that make up compounds that have the ability to be {nerve agents}. So they can do something to the nerves. When that happens, there could be a disruption. This disruption can cause different actions to the body and mind centers and some people could have , let's say, disruption of memory. That may be good for some people at that time that the person's memory is disrupted. This can happen by drinking vodka also, or inhaling glue vapors. This disruption can be in a random effect, like shooting in the dark at targets, so that different people could have different things in their mind and body disrupted from the same chemical in the drug. This disreuption could also lead to death if the chemical gets to a center of the brain, let's say, that controls breathing, like CNS depressants that a lot of these drugs are. And the effect when combined with another drug could be exponential, leading to death.
> These chemicals can enter the cells and disrupt the cellualr activity such as the mitochondria and organs could fail, such as the liver or kidneys or the pancreas or heart or thyroid and others organs. And if the chemical finds its way to certain structures of the brain, a complete disruption could happen in such force that the person becomes compelled to kill themselves and or others.
> A lot of these drugs come from common source that I am prohibited to post about here due to prohibitions posted to me by Mr Hsiung. These chemicals were used in agents of mass-murder, and today many of these drugs that have some of the same chemical constituants are not new drugs at all, but reconfigurations of old drugs with new names.
> But the major thing that am prevented from posting hee is what these drugs do to your mind and what is let into a person's mind when they take the drugs. The door is opened to (redacted by respondent) when the drug gets to the mind. I have comne here to tell those that want a way out how to close the gate to what has entered your mind from the drugs and then expel the (redacted by respondent) and be freed from the captivity of the drugs.And these drugs one keeps taking waiting for it to get them out of their depression or such. But then the drug is in the cells and organs and brain centers so that the brain now fights back, as seeing the drug as an invader. And then addiction is set in the person so that if they want to stop taking the drug they could go into a horrific state of withdrawal and kill themselves and or others. The addiction has them captives. Captives to go to the next drug to counteract that drug and then the next drug to counteract that one and then another and another so that there could be people taking 5, 6, 7, 8 or more drugs. And if they live, there is the increasing chance of death from the combining of the drugs, like Anna Nicole Smith and many other famous people.
Yet today, there has been revealed to me what this is all about. It has been revealed to the ancients before me, to the Jew first. The scriptures that the Jews use tell of all of this and decribes men and women as {spiritual} beings, different from animals. And this spirit is housed in the body like a temple for it. I am prevented from posting here what these scriptures say what happens to people that defile their temple of their spirit. And today I read of the misery of people here seeking to know about another drug, looking for hope. There is hope, but it is higher than the drugs. This hope can never fail, can never addict, can never depress, can never kill. This hope is
poster:Lou PIlder