Posted by rjlockhart37 on July 1, 2013, at 21:49:32
i know i've been posting annoying posts about over obessesing about my life, but listen this is the only time i can get out of this horrible state of depression, i drink coffee lots of it, nothing, energy drink just only small effect, my whole body is lethargic in the functions, it doenst respond to medications, and now energy drinks, its like its at this same depressed state of equilibrium with anything i put in my really i've got to do sometihng, i know the ECT treatment is extreme and i've read people have memory problems after it, but if the shock therapy can increase and reboot the brain functions, but i just don't know how to do discuss this with my psychologist told me of low brain voltage, but said the ECT therapy is only a jump start plug...its not continuous, so i just cannot believe this crap happened after years of feeling hopeless, the body slows down and becomes lethargic....and ... yea that's all i have to say
is there any other way besides shock, that it can increase the functions of the brain from slow state? do not tell me amphetamines, and other stimulants, there not an option
anything would be good...
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