Posted by Meatwood_Flack on April 30, 2013, at 19:32:12
In reply to Marijuana Not Medicine Addiction Docs Say, posted by Phillipa on April 30, 2013, at 18:15:17
I find it fascinating, and sad, that this sort of propaganda continues in 2013, 41 years after Nixon declared the War on Drugs. But, wait, isn't Prozac a drug? Are we at war with insulin? The so-called "medicinal" benefits of marihuana are widely known and documented, which is why 19 other states have already legalized it for medicinal use. But, the FDA can say whatever they like because they have the DEA, FBI, BATF, U.S. Border Patrol, U.S. Marshal's Service, IRS (for asset seizure), U.S. attorneys, federal judges and, if need be, the military on their side. And their side is the corporate side. Because of its relative ease of cultivation, marijuana is seen as a threat to the profit margins of both the alcohol and pharmaceutical industries. Likewise, this ease of cultivation makes marihuana untaxable in any reliable way, which the government might see as a threat. One point this story got right was the variability and unreliability of the product you're getting, but this only applies to street deals. Legal dispensaries would go a long way toward guaranteeing you got what you were looking for. There are lots of strains floating around out there, some more suitable for specific symptoms than others. Is marihuana the miracle its activists proclaim it to be? Probably not, although its value in a number of different medical conditions has been shown. Nothing is going to work for everyone who is suffering, but everyone who is suffering should be allowed the choice of whether or not to try it for themselves.