Posted by novelagent on January 31, 2013, at 23:34:07
In reply to need help with new friend, posted by lindsey75 on January 24, 2013, at 9:16:33
Look, there's more constructive ways to find friends that are positive and a whole lot more able to have the strength to prop YOU up while you're drowning than to feel the need to be a lifeguard for someone drowning further out to sea than you are while you're drowning on the shore.
also, come on, reduce your stimulant use. your hurried writing is absurdly unfocused, and I sincerely question whether you might be capable of finding many friends if you were to speak like that in real life.
take care of yourself, we want to see you more at peace in your writing. high doses of stimulants while depressed only serve to expend energy you don't have to expend, and that takes a toll on your already well-worn brain.
> I made a new friend a couple of months ago with a person who moved into my neighborhood. We had a lot in common. Both mothers, both bi-polar with anxiety disorders and panic attacks. The main difference being I am on SSD and she works full time. Since I met her her mental health has gotten much worse, she says all the time that her meds are not working and that her Dr refuses to treat her ADD with narcotics and refuses to up her klonapin sp? dosage and she also wants her prozac and wellbutrin upped as well which she is on 40 and 150 respectively she also takes both gabapentin and lamictal. not sure about any of the spellings. She is about 33 or 34 younger then myself and has only been hospitalized once by her own admission. I said this to her as a positive thing saying you work full time and have only been in the hospital once so you are really doing better then you think after she constantly was telling me about racing thoughts being unable to focus ect ect I thought I could make her feel better she got angry saying she trained herself not to stay in bed long ago. I personally when am in the depths of depression can't train myself to take a shower so I think that is admirable so I told her so and she still seemed unhappy with me saying that as if I were insulting her? I told her that upping the wellbutrin might make her more anxious and irritable, I'm no Dr but you know if you are bipolar antidepressants in high dosages can make you more irritable or worse case manic.. as my 2nd hospitalization can attest to. I felt the best ever!! In my life!!! Ever!!! I don't know why everyone insisted I sleep and eat like the rest of those mere mortals lol!!!! she said the only thing that helps her is klonipin and he won't give her more. I told her how bad benzos were for the memory. I myself rue the day I was handed that xanax Rx I wish to god I could have found another way to overcome panic attacks. The panic attacks are gone but the xanax habit remains. its been 14plus years and god knows what I have forgotten. I stressed to her the importance of therapy hell I have been in therapy for 23yrs. Medication will not do it all no matter how good the pill. She blows that off completely. Literally says she just wants medication to get through the day. I said it probably won't happen you are on everything!! Maybe an anitpyschotic? She says no she is diabetic and her insulin will be affected. Well I will stop writing this novel here, the upshot is this I went to use her ipad and she was google-ing whats the worst mental illness. So I being a nosy beyotch looked at her history she was looking for symptoms of mental illness, borderline personality disorder, schizophrenia, a whole host of weird things, not self help sites either. I don't understand what is going on here? Does she want pills? Does she want attention? Does she want to be crazy? Is she totally crazy? How concerned should I be? she has a child... is this situation dangerous? I am used to people who say they are not crazy. Hell I am famous for going off all my meds and being like "all better now" LOL!!! how can I help her?