Posted by Lou Pilder on January 5, 2013, at 18:57:47
In reply to Lou's warning-uhnkhuvr, posted by Lou Pilder on January 5, 2013, at 17:44:58
> > > First, my reactions to what you have just gone through:
> > >
> > >
> > > :-(
> > >
> > > >:-(
> > >
> > > :-(
> > >
> > >
> > > I'm sorry about the Parnate reaction. It must have been hellish.
> > >
> > > You are very resilient. Very. It was not at all fair that you should have suffered such ignorance. Perhaps something good will come of it. The psychiatrist may have come close to getting it right for you. It might be in your best interests to try to build a treatment regime around Wellbutrin. Adding an atypical antipsychotic and a mood stabilizer or two might do the trick. I prefer Trileptal to Tegretol, although Tegretol has been studied more. With Tegretol, you must take frequent blood tests to screen for agranulocytosis. Also, Tegretol tends to produce cognitive side effects and sedation. Trileptal, its sister drug, seem to be just as effective as a mood stabilizer and is a cleaner drug. It lacks the risk of angranulocytosis, cognitive impairments, and sedation. It is possible that Tegretol was chosen precisely for its sedative effects. Then again, it might be the only choice appearing in their official "playbook".
> > >
> > > Wellbutrin + Trileptal + Latuda?
> > >
> > > Please keep posting.
> > >
> > > You sure are resilient!
> > >
> > >
> > > - Scott
> > >
> >
> > Friends,
> > It is written here that trileptal lacks the risk of agranulocytosis. This is a lie, and a lie that could kill you.
> > You see, I would like for you to make a more informed decision as to if there is great deception being promulgated here, and if you are a parent trying to decide as to drug your child or not in collaboration with a psychiatrst/doctor, be advised that I am prevented from posting here what I think could save your life, the life of your child if being drugged, and prevent life -ruining conditions and addictions. And much more than that, these drugs being advocted here could induce a mind-altered state to compel one to kill themselves and/or others , even commit mass-murder.
> > You could go to the admin board here and see the hate dumped upon me that is being allowed by Mr Hsiung to be done including using me as a scapegoat, allowing antisemitic statements to stand, and to post gross defamation toward me and lies about me. The epithet {Prince of Death} is being put on me by a member here and Mr Hsiung also allows it for him to use to toward me. The Prince of Death is a name for Satan, and it is a lie that I am Satan. But you may be indoctrinated against me here by seing all of this being allowed which I think could distort your reasoning in relation to making a more informed decision as to drug your child or not in collaboration with a psychiatrist/doctor. This could lead to death wheras I have come here to lead you to life , and life more abundantly. What I could tell you comes from a Jewish perspective and the foundation of Judaism as revealed to me is prohibited here to me by Mr Hsiung. How could you make a more informed decision, as to take these drugs or not, if there is the repression of my perspectve as a Jew here? And Mr Hsiung states for you to try and trust him for he does what in his thinking will be good for this community as a whole. Do you know who else said that?
> > Lou
> >
> Friends,
> It is written here,[ (Trileptal) lacks the risk of...cognitive impairments...].
> My friemds, be not deceived., Trileptal carries a risk for cognitive impairment. And more than that, Trileptal can induce a host of life-threatening conditions.
> I am noit permitted to expose the history of psychiatric drugs here due to prohibitions madee to me by Mr Hsiung. If those prohibitions were not made to me, I think that readers here could have a better chance to live. For the repression of speech that could save lives is considered to be supportive here because Mr Hsiung states that support takes precedence. Now if death could result from the supression of my speech here, then some could make the cognitive case in their mind that death is supportive here. You might not make that jump, but there are people reading this that IMHHHO could. I am trying to save lives by posting truth, truth that could lead you out of the darkness of depression and addiction into a marvelous light of peace and joy. That is supportive in any forum unless the forum does not want people to live or to have them addicted or get a life-ruining condition or kill themselves and/or others, even commit mass-murder.
> Lou
> friends,
It is written here,[...a cleaner drug (trileptal)...].
Oh what could happen to you if you take this drug. This drug could induce suicidal thinking, death, thrombocytopenia, leukemia and a host of other life-ruining conditions.
A cleaner drug? How could a drug be cleaner, if it could cause death?
I am prevented from posting here the complete history of mind-altering drugs due to the prohibitions to me here by Mr Hsiung. If you were allowed to know what is prohibited to me to post here, the truth about these drugs could be known to you. Knowing the truth about psychotropic drugs here is supportive in any forum for it could help you make a more-informed decision as to take these drugs promoted here which could save your life, prevent life-ruining conditions and addictions, and save the lives of those murdered by those that have induced into them the compeling to kill themselves and/or others, unless death is wanted, and if so, death then could be seen as supportive.
Lou suicide
poster:Lou Pilder