Posted by metamorphosis on December 29, 2012, at 13:24:32
I just started Parnate and am having insomnia. I hope this will mellow or pass with time. I have used Ambien but it just isn't strong enough. I believe I am cross tolerant with the benzo, Klonopin. Which I take daily.
My question is, everyone seems to be mentioning nortriptyline as an adjunct to Parnate. What about amitriptyline, either as a sleep aid or to potentiate and complement Parnate???
My p-doc is open to adding a TCA in time. I have used 10mg of amitriptyline in the past for insomnia. What doses are used for sleep and/or therapeutic value?
Also, what are there major benefits of using nortriptyline over amitriptyline?I don't have insurance and I believe amitriptyline is much more affordable.