Posted by rjlockhart37 on November 16, 2012, at 21:10:05
i've been researching for hours about what causing medications having no effect...came up with a couple examples...but my gerernal doc is going to have to send me to a GI doc.
But mind has learned to force itself to study with no medication influence, its like pushing a car that is low on fluids, the fluids are not much effective but the car starts and drives. Study has become do something with my time to learn new things...instead of watching tv...and I also try to restrain from reading about meds...which i've done for years, and learn about universe concepts of logic, stuff to make you more aware of reality..
lucifer or whatever the figure is has told me over again to study about him and cosmo universe..learn about wisdom, mindexpansion, anytime im alone this lucifer force tells me study...of all this stuff...if I don't it insults me of being a low, primative human. So, i don't know how to explain that, its wack...
anyways...just please hear me when I write, no response needed because im telling everything because im sick of hiding.
not a scholar but understand distress
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