Posted by rjlockhart37 on November 6, 2012, at 15:15:49
like i've said before in comments to going to eleborate on this. Some people can go to a doctor, and get meds easy...and totally be fine. Personally using my situation, my doctor is a addiction specialist....that means she avoids benzos, stimulants, etc....also because of my past in a file. So....ended up like this is pretty s h i t y, i can't go to another doctor because someone I live with is always on me....if I do something agaist what they don't agree with im out of the house. So, doing this realize that you have to think like your/a doctor thinks, how they view you, their opinion on medications, and basically what they study. If you can learn, and get will be alot easier to move around. Kinda get clues from observing, and talking, and info comes out. Then after you know what options they are prone to can start playing chess, but don't take ths a something that is wrong. It's just advice....and if its taken wrong, beleive me im no scholar....just only have opinions.
not a scholar but understand distress
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