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Re: Starting minocycline. » SLS

Posted by SLS on September 1, 2012, at 0:24:52

In reply to Re: Starting minocycline., posted by SLS on August 23, 2012, at 20:34:43

> > Feeling better.
> Feeling even better...

Feeling even better than that...

Right now, I am feeling pretty good. I enjoyed my night out with some friends, and sang a few songs at the karaoke bar. I did not have to push myself to do anything. I had sufficient mental energy, concentration, and memory function such that I did not stumble over lyrics. I still had a tendency to stare into space, motionless at times. This is probably some residual psychomotor retardation that I hope disappears as I continue to improve. Food tastes better, music sounds better, woman look better, etc. My mind is still fairly slow, and not quite active enough to engage in conversation. There is still a degree of numbness, and I just don't seem to have much to say. My social anxiety is diminishing. I feel more confident in myself, and am more likely to be assertive. My metabolism is increasing and I am losing weight, despite my taking in the same number of calories. My appetite is somewhat reduced, but I still eat out of boredom. I am going to make a concerted effort to take advantage of the reduced appetite and try to eat less. I exercise better judgment in making decisions. That the world feels more real to me now helps facilitate this. I feel like I am beginning to rejoin society. Without depression, the world seems like a very different place.

- Scott

Some see things as they are and ask why.
I dream of things that never were and ask why not.

- George Bernard Shaw




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