Posted by Phil on August 11, 2012, at 12:15:11
I left here in a huff over a post that asked my opinion and then was told how wrong it was in an angry sort of way. I don't need mind games.
Like do you think black or white is the best color?
They don't give their opinion first. You say black and then get jumped on because you're wrong! Why doesn't the poster just state their opinion and eff off.And Scott my doc did drop the Lamictal dose so thank you. I hope you don't mind, I told him Scott S says your full of **it. : )
In other new, approved for SSDI 1st try. I didn't receive anything in the mail but when I checked my checking account before paying bills they had deposited a substantial sum of back pay.
Insurance is my biggest issue right now. The State wouldn't extend Cobra to a private policy because of (everybody say it!) pre-existing condition. They said go to high risk brokers. Ever seen their rates?? You'd need a statistician to sort through that garbage. Yes, you can fill two prescriptions at this price, the rest will be 24 times that price.
$600 a month for a $5000 deductible, 40 % co-pays if you're in network, etc. You want lower deductible say $2000 OK, $750 a month. It's a disgrace.
Why are Canadians now richer than Americans(btw Canada rocks)and they have universal healthcare. The US says no way without raising taxes through the roof. Republicans don't want to take care of, eww sick people.
I think Canada and other countries can do it because they aren't spending trillions on bombs and every war that comes along.
Lets go to Afghanistan and drop bombs on brown people. Why? Because the US likes killing brown people. We don't kill hon-kies just brown people.
Gotta kill them there or they'll come here!! In what? An ark? The Wright Bros plane?Sorry, on a roll. And...
Haven't smoked in 48 days, dodged 1920 cigarettes and saved $576. I feel better than I've felt in 20 years.
Hope everyone here is doing OK because most here have lived in hell long enough.Thanks
this signature | Show by default | Change to hide (next time)One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star.
Friedrich Nietzsche