Posted by rjlockhart04-08 on August 5, 2012, at 15:22:26
In reply to Thirsty and diareaha, posted by Sheilac on August 5, 2012, at 13:37:30
the adderall....its amphetamine sulphate or mix but it increase dopamine and norepinehrine and stimuates them to move through the nerve sympase. Dopamine will make some people obessed with things because of the hyperfocus effect it can create....I rerember adderall, and dexedrine, but mainly adderall i would be cleaning and become obessed with cleaning a place that was already clean, I just thought in my mind I would make it squeky clean. Especially if your in college adderall can make you obessed with math problems, you can sit for hours and do equations like eighstien did, but that's only in some cases, usally the dose would have be moderate to high to keep sustained attention and focus.
you could switch to dexedrine because it only is damphetamine...adderall has a sting to it because of the levoamphetamine that is more psychical stimulation that can create anxiety, it works more on norepinehrine rather than dopamine.
You could start a SSRI that's used for OCD to counter the adderall symptoms because if you stop the adderall it would be a difficult to adapt. You could check out 5-HTP if your not taking an SSRI and usally if you take about 300-400mg of it will let the ocd to leave...but still its kinda of a crude method to use.
What does your doctor say about this? I mean will he even try to help you with some medications to reduce OCD. I know that adderall can cause OCD because of the focus it provides, doing the same thing over again...repetive tasks. It's just how amphetamine works...if I wanted my car squeak clean I would pop 2 adderalls before cleaning.
you could just tell your doctor if he will work and work around the adderall, but my suggestion is switch to dexedrine, its smoother and less agitating.
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