Posted by rjlockhart04-08 on August 4, 2012, at 22:16:35
listen I don't want to keep telling about this issue, but it has become vary difficult now because anyway I ingest medication, my body has made something like a hormone or malabsorbation to conter outact it. I took 20mg of Zyprexa with 2 .1mg clonodine and ... nothing, that dose should sedate but my it doestn. I seriously could throw my whole body system in a incinerator because of all the defects its caused me. I seriously am raged at my body for doing all this crap causing me to become sicker. I just wished I could do something like kick or curse this crappass body.
If lucifer wants to take over this body, he can feel free to take it, i just want out of this stupid vessel that causes all this pain and suffering. It's not my fault, these system caused all these problems, one on top of another, and still going for more. Don't you just know what the ultimate form of self loathing is? much feeling of that here..
am not a scholar but I do understand distress.
Prozac 60mg
Zyprexa 20mg
Lamictal 100mg
Clonodine .1mg X 3
Nuvigil 250mg
I encourage you avoid false lights of enlightment.