Posted by brynb on July 25, 2012, at 21:17:14
In reply to Lou's warning-benzotram, posted by Lou Pilder on July 25, 2012, at 20:26:18
> Friends,
> It is posted here about the use of a benzo with Tramadol. Be advised that these two drugs have chemical constituants that are central nervous system depressants. And when taken together, the effect is potentiated which can cause respiratory depression and death. The mix of drugs in many famous people that were killed by the drugs that they took had drugs that were CNS /respiratory depressants.**LOU-Again, at high doses, Tramadol & benzos (or any other opiate w/ a benzo) are dangerous because of respiratory depression. Hopefully people are aware of this, and more importantly, hopefully their doctors warn them of the dangers. However, please note the poster is only taking 75mg of Tramadol (a WEAK analgesic) and trying to lower the dose. That's a low dose. My suggestion was to use a benzo as a PRN (as needed, not routinely) at a low dose (ie .5mg Xanax). The famous people you refer to (and others) who died from respiratory depression were taking high amounts of benzos and/or opiates, and/or sleeping pills and/or alcohol. So, death was the outcome of mixing copious amounts of substances. That is hardly what I am suggesting.
> But there is much more to this here. You see, there are numerous prohibitions posted to me here by Mr. Hsiung that IMHO if the prohibitions were not made to me, lives could be saved, life-ruining conditionss could be prevented and addiction could be prevented. And more so, I could post what IMHHO could lead people out of the darkness of depression and addiction freely without price.**Why would Dr. Bob (or anyone) not allow you to share your unique and seemingly ground-breaking revelations to so many people whose lives you could save?
> Are you there but with brain damage, diabetes, dyskinesia, kidney disease, thyroid dysfunction,sexual dysfunction or any of the other life-ruining conditions that these drugs can cause? Now what?
**Fortunately, I have yet to experience these conditions. I visit my doctor regularly and keep my health in check. I hope I remain this fortunate.
> But what if you could have a new mind, a new heart, a new spirit? Not like the one that you had when the doctor first gave you the drug, and healing of the damages that the drugs did to you?
**Please Lou, if indeed you hold the key to a new way of being, share your wisdom.
> Now you can take more drugs but if the drug has done this to you that you want a way out from it, what assurance is there that taking another drug will not make you worse off that the first?
**Personally, drugs did not make me depressed. I started taking meds to remedy the depression. As for the poster, it seems she/he was doing well on Tramadol, but now experiencing problems coming off of it. No one is saying for him/her to stay on another drug or replace it with another, just offering advice for relief while withdrawing from one. It is up to us as consumers to know the facts about meds and be educated.
> You see, I know what causes depression and I know a way out. I know a way out of the darkness of death and into a marvelous light of life and peace and joy. There will be no more tears, no more pain, no more death. For death will be cast into a lake of fire and with it depression and addiction. I have seen the winepress that you could be in. I have seen who treads upon it. And I have seen the wrath of the one treading upon it. But be of good cheer, the one treading the winepress has revealed to me a way to overcome and escape being part of the grapes of wrath.
**Again, these revelations sound miraculous, so why not share them? And why so cryptic?