Posted by rjlockhart04-08 on June 12, 2012, at 1:01:57
im back to feeling absolutely lousey and have no understanding of my previous posts....i read them and am terribly embarrassed. .... certain substace will significantly alter my mind to think in bizarre thought on a higher awareness of spiritual entities...and I know exactly why...that's an intrest of mine, and when dopamine is stimulated at highy mind become obessed with my intrests and go to high levels of thought.
But the point of this post, I have been researching about what can cause these medication to not take effect...malabsorbation syndo. chemical risistnace, some other complication that is interfering with the checmicals are digested to get into the bloodstrem and up to the brain. Something is not working right ... like you put oil in a car and it still states that It need matience or more oil....aka something is not working right with the car...
please...i've posted about this, and not alot of people understood what I was trying to say....this is causing my depression to get horrible because my body has develeloped this resistance to all my medications. I have googled this for hours and read the same things over again, a bunch of other medical websites comlaining about their oxydone is not getting high anymore...I need to actually find this in medical literature...somewhere and I'm so frustrated nothing is working.
anything please just let me know what you find...thank you:)
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