Posted by papillon2 on April 23, 2012, at 22:19:20
In reply to Lou's reply-or something » Agomelatinehope, posted by Lou Pilder on April 23, 2012, at 16:04:03
Please DO NOT go cold turkey. Going cold turkey from anti-depressants can endanger your health and greatly increases your chances of rebound depression -- which will have you back on meds in no time at all.
I would suggest tapering even more slowly, say 2.5mg at most each week, and waiting until you're accustomed to that dose before lowering further.
I would also ask your doctor about the suitability of having a sleep medication such as temazepam on hand to assist with the insomnia. If you go this route, it will be important for you to use the medication really judiciously, such as only when it's crucial that you get a good night's sleep (exam, important meeting or presentation). The body quicky grows accustomed to benzodiazepams; overuse could result in more withdrawal problems.
There's one thing I suggest you consider though, and it's whether insomnia was a feature or an early warning sign of your original depression. The thing is, Prozac has a long half life which makes it a lot easier to withdraw from than other SSRIs. In fact, doctors frequently prescribe Prozac to help patients withdraw from other anti-depressants.
It may be that Prozac was treating your depression really well, and that your insomnia is a symptom not of Prozac withdrawal but of your depression returning.
Please think carefully about this.
Ring the bells that still can ring
forget your perfect offering
there is a crack in everything
that's how the light gets in
~ Leonard Cohen