Posted by Lou Pilder on March 14, 2012, at 5:55:43 [reposted on March 27, 2012, at 22:19:16 | original URL]
In reply to As the original poster of this thread..., posted by kagome on March 14, 2012, at 0:25:48
> I'm asking you all to please, please post about Lou somewhere else. It's disheartening to see a response and hope I'm getting some advice or support but instead am just privy to what seems to be an age old debate between Lou, his supporters, and those who disagree with him.
> I'm not sure how much Lou actually cares - he didn't seem to respond with any empathy when I told him meds tend to stop me from killing myself when nothing else will, just posted reports of people having killed themselves while on meds - and to me that goes beyond a lack of support to a complete ignorance of triggers. Lou can post what he wants but when I'm having a day like today, all I can say is that I *extremely* appreciate posts in my support and am disappointed by posts that further derail the conversation into guilt-inducing one-liners to those very people offering support/defense. No one has to care about my situation, but please find another place to voice your thoughts on Lou/anti-meds/etc. Sorry to sound snippy but as I said before, it's been a day, and this stuff is just really triggering right now.kegome,
You wrote,[...I'm not sure how much Lou actually cares...].
Your original post here stated that you invited me to post to you, for you posted,[...I would appreciate any and all advice...].
Now {all} means {all} and the definition of {all] can not be arbitrarily changed by anyonre here. Now you also posted that you were seeking {med-related} responses. The word {related} means {related}, and my response here were related to what this site calls {medications}.
Now you can be sure, my friend, that I have yours and anyone else's interest here in mind to save lives and prevent one from getting a life-ruining condition and to help those that want to overcome addiction and depression.
Be advised, that support in my understanding is not reinforcement. For instance, if one posts here to drink vodka while taking a benzodiazepine, I do not think that it would be supportive to post to that poster to go ahead and do that, for the combination could cause death.
Now members can and do post here that they take combinations of drugs that could cause death. As I see it, Mr. Hsiung and his deputy, and past deputies, have allowed that without their intervention in those type of posts to warn of the consequences to people that take those type of drug combinations.
You see, you asked for {all} responses and my warnings are contained in the {all} of responses that you requested here. But the warning is not just to you, but to all that read here, even those that just read and do not post. I care about those reading that may be indoctrinated here if my point of view is prohibited to be posted here. My point of view is based upon sound researched studies that I cite here that verify what I write here. Sometimes that needs to be clarified and I respond to help clarify also.
Now what is meant by support can be seen on the administartion board here. One can read my requests to Mr. Hsiung and his deputy and past deputies and see that many requests and notification are outstanding for days, for weeks, for months, and for years. One can see the aspect of allowing posts that could arouse antisemitic feelings, and antisemitic feelings toward me as a Jew here. Do you know of the historical parallel to that by an administration of a community? And Mr.Hsiung states in his TOS here that he does what in his thinking will be good for the community as a whole, and to try and trust him in that. So by the nature that my requests to the administration remain outstanding, then he also states that support takes precedence. So could not people here and people reading this site be led then to think that it is supportive to allow those statements to stand that could arouse antisemitic feelings toward Jewery or me as a Jew here and that I then could be subjected to the potential of antisemitic violence? Do you know that the foundation of Judaism as revealed to me is prohibited by Mr.Hsiung for me to post here while the foundation of some Christiandom sects that preclude Jews that do not (redacted by respondent), Jesus, from having forgivness and eternal life is allowed to stand here?
I can not in good concience to allow statements here that could cause the death of a child to go unaddressed by me, for I care about that child's life that reads this site and sees what a psychiatrist allows members to post that could kill them. These children then could think that taking mind-altering drugs is OK and unbeknownst to them the drug could induce a mind-altered state to compel them to want to kill themselves or others, even commit mass-murder. I care now, and I will continue to care about the lives of those children to do what I can here to show that death can be a consequece to taking mind-altering drugs.
Mr. Hsiung states here in his TOS that different points of view are encouraged and that if someone disputes the truth of something that they have the freedom to post a rebuttle and that since they have that freedom to post, then so do I. I took Mr. Hsiung at his word.
poster:Lou Pilder