Posted by poser938 on February 16, 2012, at 21:29:40
out of many, many things that seem severely crooked when it comes to the FDA is the fact that it took 50 years from the time antidepressants came out til the FDA finally required the suicide warning for antidepressants. and even still, this warning is only for children and young adults. we all know they can make an older adult just as suicidal as anyone, and yet the FDA lets drug companies get by without this side effect warning for them. this is just one thing of many that the FDA lets them get by with.
the listing of official possible side effects not only lets the patient have an informed decision on whether or not to try an antidepressant, but to also make his case of a side effect that may seem strange or out of the ordinary more credible to his doctor. how many times do you think a patient came to his doctor and told that ever since he has started prozac, he has become more suicidal, only to have his doctor up his dose and then therefore leading to a suicide. i think this is criminal.