Posted by lostbuzz on January 17, 2012, at 8:33:29
First let me say there's no 3 or 4 mg of klonopin. Ur either raking several of the .5's or 1's or 2's. 2mg is the highest single pill dose they make. Plus klonopin are for sissies that can't handle the real stuff. I consider them baby being like me where I have 2 take 8 2mg bars of Xanax and snort 100mg of Ms contin before I can even function every morning. Oh and for the ones that don't know Ms contin is morphine sulfate. I used 2 could take a 2mg bar or 2 of Xanax and be wide open most of the day. They have never relaxed me just hopped me up. Over time it took more and more and now even at 8 bars or sometimes I'll take 12 just for the hell of it and I never feel anything anymore. No matter how many I take I've lost the effectiveness of the medication. I have been on the morphine so long I can't even feel anything when I snort it either. That's why I started snorting in the first place because orally taking them did nothing after a while. So now here I am and can't stop taking either because I've tried 2 stop the Xanax and went into severe withdraw seizures. Some have lasted up 2 almost 40 minutes. They say u have 2 wean off them slow and I've read about a lot of people and seizures. Its hard 2 wean off them. The morphine is totally different, u just feel like crap and ur legs will hurt and u will be hot and cold at the same time but that's all the withdraws I've ever had with that. I would snort the Xanax but have before and it taste so bad when u get the drain and it Burns like hell. Morphine is perfect 2 snort. Sure its bitter and taste bad but it really doesn't linger around 2 long. Oh and did I mention I take that dose of drugs everyday and go work 12 hour shifts? Yep sure do and no one knows I'm on anything. I've got friends that half a bar blacks them out and knocks them out and I think back that was the good ol days when they did that 2 me. I lead a normal life doing everyday stuff everyday but have 2 have my drugs in me or I can't get out of bed in the mornings. I've tried Valium and felt nothing same with klonopin and even the same with oxycontin. I took the 100's and knew I wasted my money. Vicodin and percocet are also just baby pills in my opinion. I can take 20 of either of them in the 10/325, 650, or even the 1000 and any do is make me itch a little. I damn sure don't get high and I know people who flip out and pay like 6 bucks for a 10/325 of either. Hell I even know people who will pay 50 for a 100mg morphine and make it last almost 2 days getting high. I've told my doctor that any of these pain drugs or relaxing drugs don't work for me anymore and he says it's my tolerence and just up's my dose every time. I think now I'm at the maximum amount u can legally get in a month. I guess my only next option is 2 shoot up the morphine or mix it and Xanax and just shoot it all at once. Unless I can get the doctor to give me an IV bag of morphine and Xanax ........all I can say is don't take 2 many because u will need more and more and more and eventually it doesn't even work anymore......