Posted by rjlockhart04-08 on January 12, 2012, at 14:51:39
In reply to Re: dexativan, posted by rjlockhart04=08 on January 9, 2012, at 20:54:29
Yes, I wouldnt say it causes "more" pleasure. It just calms down the amphetamine stimulation to a more relaxed, confortable state. Depending on how the individuel reacts to an amphtamine. If anxiety is present then ativan or xanax would take that away and let the person experience stimulation without anxiety, maybe not all the anxiety goes away but, I used to take Ativan 1mg with Adderall 40mg XR in 2005, the adderall stimulated me to focus and do repetive tasks but when I took the ativan it just slowed down some motorskills that I had but nothing like Klonopin. Klonopin at .5mg wouldnt deminish the effect but if you took it at 1-2mg Klonopin removes the stimulation or just significanly slows it down... I rerember I took 2mg of Klonopin and I was in BAD mood with adderall. Ativan ... is a gentle benzodiapine compared to Xanax and klonopin. It's strength is about a 5-6 out of a 10 being xanax.
But I guess It could increase pleasure depending on what benzo you take. Like Xanax releases some dopamine. Ativan I think just works on GABA and slows things down its not really a "euphoric" benzo but that depends on the individuel. I guess it can take the edge off and let you experience the amphetmaine without the edge. Most of the edgy feelings you feel on stimulant is the norephenrine that keeps you sharp. Caffeine works on this too.
Hope that gives you a better idea.