Posted by b2chica on September 28, 2011, at 9:56:25
ok. so i spoke about my last couple weeks drama. meds didnt get approved for refill in time and i ran out. was off all three major meds (perphenazine, adderall and pristiq) for about 5 days.
i started the perphenazine and adderall the 20th. and couldnt start the pristiq till the 23rd, so technically i was off the pristiq 7 days. Its now the 28th and i'm feeling as crappy as ever. i'm fine in the morning (as always) and sure enough about 10:30/11:00 i start headed down. LOW motivation, feel like snail pace. can hardly walk around. dont want to move. when i get home, well last night as soon as i brought kids home i put in a movie for them and layed on couch. half hour later husband came home and i went to bed. woke up at 6:30, ate a little and went back to bed. woke up at 7:40, layed on couch and watched movies with kids till their bed time. then of course around 9:00 i couldnt get to sleep and anxiety was ramping up. i took extra gaba and xanax.
So my question is...since i was off meds, how long should i expect pristiq to take to kick back in?? shouldn't it be working by now?
I feel the depression. the darkness take over my body...i was doing well. i want to stay on the mix i was on. i want it to work. did it mess things up, will it not work now?
am i just very impatient (most likely).b2c.