Posted by floatingbridge on September 10, 2011, at 21:54:48
I have been reading about about gabapentinin.
It is not really a mood stabilizer, but has some of that quality.
It can help with pain a bit, with anxiety, and sleep (all a little).
The sides aren't terrible, are they? And if I can use it to slowly displace the new addition on tenazepam...?
Please understand I am trying to get a few meds to work, and I am just a bit clueless and recovering from some bad events.
Failing lamictal and being told we will not retry was crushing. I am not keen on these mood stabilizing agents I've read about.
Is discussing a small amount of neurontin off the wall?
I really need to get this wicked depression to lift, and I think I need to do it gently.
I dig a pony.