Posted by Christ_empowered on August 31, 2011, at 23:33:06
In reply to Re: Big fat impossible advice sought, posted by morgan miller on August 31, 2011, at 23:13:33
Do you think taking a very low dose atypical during the day might counter the agitation and make it easier to sleep (with the restoril) at night? I'd be scared to mix a sedating neurolpetic with a high dose of temazepam, especially when you have other benzos on board, but that's just me. Have you tried zyprexa? I've heard it can help sleep. The only downside is typical neuroleptic stuff--dulled out, EPS, potential akathisia--but if you keep the dose low enough it might be just the ticket. I think the EPS is less common than with Risperdal and also its rather sedating. Zyprexa is also commonly used for agitated and psychotic depressions.
So..yeah..zyprexa. You can take metformin with it for the weight gain, if your doc is up for that.