Posted by Chris O on August 1, 2011, at 23:43:08
In reply to Re: Went off nardil 1 week ago. HR/BP problems persist, posted by mantus on August 1, 2011, at 21:43:17
We are all different, so I do not know if my situation is anyplace close to yours. But I'd like to share me experience with 6 to 8 months on a benzo: I took Klonapin, 2-3mg a day, for the greater part of a year in 2009, I think. I have a very bad anxiety disorder. However, the Klonapin really only glazed over the surface of it. After giving it that 8 month go, I just decided to quit. I went off of it quickly, cold turkey, pretty much, and only had minor withdrawal symptoms. (For instance, they were nothing like the withdrawals I had after taking Effexor for two weeks and then stopping cold turkey.) But that is just me. Who knows why I didn't get bad benzo withdrawals? I also stopped 1200mg of Serzone pretty much cold turkey about 5 months ago, and didn't get very many withdrawal effects either. However, when going off Paxil, I did. Go figure. It sounds like floatingbridge's approach is a good, safe one, though: Take it slow and see what happens. That's what I would do if the withdrawals were bad for me. Good luck!
poster:Chris O