Posted by bleauberry on July 8, 2011, at 19:20:42
In reply to OTC/supplement replacements 4 caffeine?, posted by zonked on July 8, 2011, at 14:26:18
Wow, I don't know, the fatigue is a tough one. From what I've heard from almost everyone who has recovered from diseases where psychiatric symptoms were present, fatigue was the last thing to clear up.
I personally have not found anything useful to me except ritalin or vicadin. I hardly ever use either except in emergencies. An expert on herbal medicine, Stephen Buhner, recommends tincture form of Siberian Ginseng (Elethero). When I take it I get irritable no matter what dose. DLPA or tyrosine were a bit helpful for the brain fog and fatigue, but I they just didn't agree with me. It's not that things couldn't help me, because some did, but it's just that most gave me other problems I couldn't deal with. I think mood and everything else can improve a lot before they catch up.
Yohimbe bark works real good. But it's a dangerous one to handle. It's like turning the norepinephrine system into super overdrive. A tiny chunk off a tablet feels plenty powerful to me. I haven't taken it in years, but I remember how potent that plant was for fatigue and brain fog. It carries the risk of high blood pressure, over stimulation, and paranoia if a dose is too much.
Ritalin for sure does the job for, endurance, clear headed. But geez the comedown is just aweful. I always have it nearby but take it only maybe once a month or two.
With anything I can think of though, what I don't know is how they would mix with nardil. That's a big question mark. Maybe ok, maybe not. Don't know. No matter what you might try, I think it would make sense to go ultra conservative at the start just to be on the safe side.