Posted by bb154 on June 1, 2011, at 15:26:55
I'm new to this but i'll try to some up my issues in a few paragraph. I've had anxiety issues since i was 16 been on and off meds zoloft, celexa, prozac. i did well on all. I'm now 30. About 3 years ago i began to have racing thoughts. not manic. just always racing music, my own thoughts never grandious or increased energry. In the past year my anxiety turned into depression. with lots of crying racing sad thoughts, general anxiety. panic attacks. I've been on in the past 7 months Wellbutrin-did nothing. lamicta (200) and lithium 900 with zolfoft.Also xanax .25 as needed. the only thing that stopped the crying was the zoloft. Nothing else touched that. Lithium and lamictal did nothing for racing thoughts. My question is. What is this from?? i've never had a manic episode in my life. just anxiety and now depression. i'm on currently on zoloft 150 and pristiq 100. and tapering off zoloft to see if pristiq can stop the racing thoughts. Their next step is trying going with abilify. I'm terrified to try that. There is no clear answer to what my racing thoughts are from. I stress I've never had a manic episode these thoughts are constant but i can still get through the work day and some school. any help would be greatly appreciated. This is beyond frustrating. i feel like a medical guinea pig.