Posted by creepy on December 27, 2010, at 13:39:15
In reply to Does Lexapro Cause Weight Gain?, posted by Phillipa on December 23, 2010, at 23:38:16
I gained a lot of weight on lexapro. If you want an SSRI thats not as bad, maybe try prozac or zoloft. If you have anxiety in the mix both may or may not be a problem. =(
I was taking a small amount of topamax for awhile that seemed to help with the lexapro munchies.. but looking back maybe it was my depression returning that killed my appetite. Really hard to say.
I can say for certain that 50mg killed my appetite completely, more than any depression could.
lexapro gave me intense cravings for carbs. even wellbutrin and adderall didnt make a dent in the cravings.
Dont go just on my experience.. if youre considering lexapro, Id do it and just keep an eye on your food intake. If its unbearable, you can always stop the drug.