Posted by bleauberry on June 1, 2010, at 20:34:33
In reply to Re: Best meds. to raise cortisol/ACTH?, posted by whitmore on June 1, 2010, at 19:19:41
> Thanks, again, Bleauberry. I did have a DMSA(sp?) challenge test, and the doctor, who I eventually felt was very untrustworthy in terms of $$, said the results were just normal(so likely to be so). Hair also. I know that this doesn't mean that this isn't the basic cause, but I've spent long enough going in circles that I no longer care. Yes, I could have 9 crowns removed at vast cost(and risk) and then chelate, only to find out that it makes no difference--and I've wasted thousands of $ and a couple more years. I may even go that route--but only at the same time as applying the band-aid--whatever that band-aid turns out to be. In any event, I'm not sure that pituitary damage is really reversible after chelation. I've heard of adrenals and thyroid repairing, but not the pituitary, have you?
Well, personally, no. In the book Amalgam Illness by PHd Andrew Cutler, pretty much every bodily malfunction has the potential to return to normal when the influence of the metals is removed.
I wonder if your crowns have mercury in them? If so, forget the whole pituitary thing, you'll want to get them out period for a thousand other reasons that haven't showed up yet. But do it as you can, bit by bit, methodical, no hurry, as long as it eventually is behind you. Worth the money? That's a huge yes. The low dose frequent dose chelation part of it, later on, is very cheap and easy.
Anything could have knocked the pituitary out of whack. Metals is only one. I was thinking about that today. A traumatic event in your life, maybe one you don't even remember from childhood, could have set off a chain reaction in genetic coding that had an impact. A virus of one kind or another. Maybe it was a defect programmed right from the start. Any kind of psychological or chemical insult could have done it. Who knows.
Right off the top of my head I can't help but think a stimulant would be made to order. Yes? No? I mean, apparently your adrenals are strong and fit, right? They just aren't being sent the right commands? If I got that right, then a stimulant would instantly send the right commands. The stimulant would send the signals that the pituitary would be if it was operating properly. Maybe?
Honestly, I don't know. Just thinking out loud.
Funny what you said about the doc calling the DMSA test "normal". Mine did too. Here's what was stunning. There were three levels on a, yellow, red. My pre-DMSA urine was in the low green for most metals, some not even visible at all. In the post DMSA urine, lead had come from practically invisible blasting through the yellow zone and just barely touching the red zone. Mercury was right on its tail, ending in the high yellow zone after barely even being visible as a tiny speck in the green prior to DMSA. But as the doctor saw it, none of the metals went into the middle of the red. So it was called "normal".
Another doctor was astounded. He pointed out that the lead level had increased, pre-to-post, by over 400%, the mercury about 300%, cadmium about 250%, arsenic 200%, from one single dose of DMSA. Now, it takes a long time to chelate metals out of tissues. What that one test dose did was just barely scratch the surface.
Several clinicians have made it clear to me that no amount of lead or mercury is safe. There is no safe limit. Some people might not have symptoms. That gives a false sense of security in assuming that some amount of mercury is safe for everyone. Not true. For some, even the tiniest amount is very harmful. A doctor said if there is any mercury at all on the chart, even if it is in the so-called "normal" green zone, that is already too much mercury. It is a toxic time we live in. But because we don't think about it and we don't see people dropping dead rapidly from pesticides or amalgams, we assume they aren't doing any harm.
Maybe relevant to this discussion, maybe not, but just thought you would find it interesting. It's not often I get to talk to someone else who has had these tests. Thaks for being there. It is great talking with you. I hope you will keep me and us informed on your journey in the coming weeks and months.